carsten stabenow (1972) works as independent curator, producer, communication designer and artist on the intersection of artistic production and mediation.
he studied communications and postgraduate interdisciplinary studies in berlin and is initiator of diverse festivals, formats and initiatives within the context of new media, art + science and sound art. carsten stabenow is the initiator and artistic director of tuned city. as an artist he has realised several installations and performed internationally. in his work he is interested especially in the physical and social parameters of space.


2022 flow – site specific installation for Sanatorium of the Sound Festival, Sokołowsko (Poland)
2021-22 Querido Pez – Expeditions in Specific Territory, research project Montevideo (Uruguay) and Rostock (Germany)
2021 underwater signals, research project for CAUS - Content Analysis of Urban Sounds at Radio Total. Festival of Visual Arts On Air (curator Florian Tuercke), Fundacja Chmura, Gdańsk
2019-21 storm log - a journey in storms, Tiera del Fuego
2019 For the Birds / Pour les oiseaux - a collective aeronautic sculpture garden, Hollabrunn
2017 spike - performance installation for documenta14 radio - "sonic wilderness" (invited by agf - Antye Greie-Ripatti), Berlin, Germany
2016 vertigo manoeuvre - installation and performance for Sounds Like VI - "Echoing (silent) machines" (curator Eric Mattson), Saskatoon, Canada
2016 speaking walls - exhibition of a shortlisted proposal (together with Rene Rissland) - for a permanent monument at Nelson Mandela Platz, Nuernberg
2015 performance together with Wojciech Kucharczyk, artmeetings Festival, Kiev
2015 kontinuum – installation, reheat Festival, Austria
2014 drone lab – residency & workshop, Tsonami Festival de Arte Sonoro, Valparaíso, Chile
2014 axon – installation for the exhibition 'Listen! - On the Edge of Perceptibility', Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest
2013 drone log - a journey in drones between singapore and bangkok
2012 line/tilt - installation (permanent), commisioned by haiart, Hailuoto, Finland (winner PIARS sound art award 2013)

below mainly works with staalplaat soundsystem:
2011 kids workshop + concert - de:sonanz festival 2011, Goethe Institut Skopje
2010 Flux you - 19 November at the Fluxus Biennial at the Auditorium, Rome
2010 Trondheim Philarmechanic Cobra Youth Orchestra - 7 October at The new biennial for art and technology, Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre
2010 yokomono - 8 October at The new biennial for art and technology, Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre
2010 9 lives of buddha - performance, Brancaleone club | Romaeuropa festival, Rom
2010 kids workshop + concert - clubtransmediale, Berlin
2009 yokomono - 12 December at UM Festival 2009, Lissabon
2009 inflight - installation at Tor111, Berlin
2009 kids workshop + concert - Picnic Society / 2 de mayo, Mostoles/Madrid
2008 kids workshop + concert - dis-patch festival 2008, Belgrad
2008 yokomono/tonewheels performance together with Derek Holzer - LAB30 Festival, Augsburg
2008 yokomono - La Casa Encendida, Madrid
2008 yokomono - 100LIVE electronic music festival 2008, Goethe Institut, Cairo
2008 avantilator performance/installation - Festival Octopus #5, Paris
2008 yokomono 24-hour performance - spor festival, Arhus
2008 yokomono installation + performance - AV Festival, Newcastle
2007 yokomono - Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Night of the Unexpected
2007 yokomono - strp 07 festival, Eindhoven
2007 taaipe, 8 channel performance - Fieldrecording Festival, Berlin
2007 yokomono - passengers festival, Warschau
2007 architone installation/performance (commission) - opening of Steirischer Herbst/musikprotokoll, Graz
2007 9 lives of buddha - Steirischer Herbst/musikprotokoll, Graz
2007 yokomono installation and performance, sale away workshop/installation - Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
2007 yokomono - computer art festival, Maribor
2007 Tschumifoon installation (commission) - Tschumi paviljoen, Groningen
2007 yokomono - DEAF 07 festival, Rotterdam
2007 yokomono installation - Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana
2006 yokomono - RIAM03 festival, Marseille
2006 the amplified bar performance - zentrale randlage, Berlin
2006 yokomono live video version - Sensoralia/Romaeuropa Festival, Rom
2006 yokomono - dis-patch festival, Belgrad
2006 CHEW-Z Colliding HEterophonic Waves machines installation/performance (commission) - sincronie 06 festival, Milano und Reggio Emilia
2006 yokomono multi speaker installation - re:visie/ N filmfestival Centraal Museum, Utrecht
2006 yokomono - steim, Amsterdam
2006 yokomono installation - ars electronica, Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica, Linz
2006 architectone installation (commission) - Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival/Siemens Arts Program, Kunsthalle Kiel
2006 kids workshop + concert - Stuttgarter Filmwinter festival for expanded media
2005 kids workshop + concert - Avanto Festival at National Art Gallery and Kiasma Museum, Helsinki
2005 yokomono - Records and Covers by Artists – Museum Weserburg, Bremen
2005 yokomono - Polytechnic University, Athen
2005 yokomono - South Gate Space Gallery, Beijing
2005 sale away installation - todays art festival, Den Haag
2005 floating islands installation - Happy New Ears, Kortrijk
2005 yokomono installation + performance - Mutek Festival, Montreal
2005 yokomono - Detali Zvuki Festival, Kiev
2005 yokomono - DOM, Moskau
2005 yokomono - SKIF Festival, St. Petersburg
2005 yokomono - Ultrasound Fest, Budapest
2005 yokomono - Soundbridges Festival Flex, Wien
2005 yokomono - transmediale workspace im Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
2005 yokomono - Netmage 05 festival at Cassero, Bologna
2005 floating islands installation - zomerparkfeest, Venlo
2004 floating islands installation - Tag des offenen Denkmals, Stralsund
2004 sale away installation - Tschumipavijloen, Groningen
2004 happy metal installation (commission) - The State X/New Forms Festival at The Vrije Academie, Den Haag
2004 machine installation + workshop - AKI University Festival, Enschede
2004 sale away installation (commission) - European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
2004 floating islands installation Floating Islands, (sss with Erwin Stache) - opening of the new Royal Netherlands Embassy, Berlin
2004 yokomono installation + performance - Earational Festival in ARTiS, Hertogenbosch
2003 60 vacuumcleaners installation/perfromance - Oorsmeer Vooruit, Gent
2003 yokomono Installation + performance - Voxxx Gallery, Chemnitz
2003 60 vacuumcleaners installation/perfromance - Brandenburg Music Festival, Industriemuseum, Brandenburg
2003 composition for vacuum cleaners, 2 cement mixers - CEMENT festival, ENCI Cement factory, Maastricht
2002 a composition for 60 vacuum cleaners - Les Chants Mecaniques, Lille
2002 94,4 Mhz - installation for Kühle Räume/Kühlräume, Tor111, Berlin
2002 speelgoed installation (commission) - Argos Festival, Brüssel
2002 yokomono - club transmediale 02 Go Public, Berlin
2001 Mono Erosive Surround Sound Installation (commission) - singuhr, Format 5 Festival, Berlin
1999 osculture - transmediale, Berlin
1997 deutsch-italienischer darkroom - isola palmaria project, Palmaria, Italien

design work >>> milchhof:atelier


2024 Contact Zones – exhibition, conference and workshop program at Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas (Chile)
2023 Sonic Islands – artistic research and residency project between Tierra del Fuego (Chile) and Rügen (Germany)
2023 Ways of Seeing Sound – Exhibition project by Els Viaene (BE) at Liebig 12, Berlin
2019-23 Terra Ignota – artistic research and residency project in the southernmost inhabited region of the planet – Chilean Antarctica, Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego and Última Esperanza.
2022 Expeditions in Specific Territory – artistic research and residency project between Montevideo (Uruguay and Rostock (Germany)
2019-21 sonic explorers – residency program in Tehran/Iran, Dakar/Senegal, Valparaiso/Chile and Bonn (2019-2020) for sonotopia alumni, produced for bonnhoeren/Beethovenstiftung, Bonn
2018 Listening Politics – tuned city ancient Messene, Greece 2018
2018 Mario DeVega – Spiegelung, installation, Grosser Wasserspeicher, Berlin
2017 Acts of Listening co-production with Tsonami Festival de Arte Sonoro, Valparaíso, Chile
2016 artmeetings Festival, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) and in Vilnius (Lithuania)
2016 Phantom Power – Konrad Smolenski (solo exhibition), Polish Cultural Institute, Berlin
2016 (in development 2016/17) resonating cities, residency and research network between Montreal, New York, Boston, Mexico, Sao Paulo, Valparaiso, Montevideo and Berlin
2014 festival bonn hoeren - conference, workshops, exhibition, performances
2014 sound exchange - Enklaven experimenteller Musikkultur in Mittelosteuropa - program for CTM Festival, Berlin
2013/14 Sound Like Here - Dublin 2013/14, exhibition, residency program, workshops, festival (postponed)
2012/13 Listening between this and that - tuned city Brussels 2013
2012 sonic places berlin, symposium and research in cooperation with Peter Cusack and the DAAD, Berlin
2011/12 sound exchange - Enklaven experimenteller Musikkultur in Mittelosteuropa, festival, exhibition and workshops in Krakow, Bratislava, Tallinn, Vilnius, Budapest, Prag, Riga and Chemnitz for Goethe Institut
2011 Irrational Computing - Ralf Baecker, residency and exhibition Schering Stiftung, Berlin
2011 Sounds of Muggenhof - tuned city Nürnberg for City of Nürnberg
2010/11 Sonic Landmarks - tuned city Tallin - European Cultural Capital Tallinn 2011
2010 data. memory. signal. - festival + exhibition, Tschernobyl/Liviv (development)
2009 sommercamp+workstation=2009, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Schering Stiftung, general public, Berlin
2009 foundation DOCK - laboratory for art and media Berlin
2009 structures - club transmediale - conference, workshops and exhibition on structures of indepenent cultural production, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, HBC, general public, Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin
2008 tuned city showcase at FullPull Festival Malmö
2008 tuned city Berlin - conference, exhibition and festival on the topic architecture and sound, Berlin
2008 tuned city pre-face at club transmediale - conference- and performance program
2007 foundation tuned city - platform, Berlin
2007 time's up - the hub - residency project and program TESLA medien kunst labor Berlin
2006 feedback radio - festival- and lecture program - Mediaspace Stuttgart
2004/05 basics! exhibition, lectures + workshops - transmediale Berlin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt
2005 forget it! / die kunst des vergessens - festival program garage
2004 black box + white cube / interfaces of culture - festival program garage
2003 no concept / unsicherheit und scheitern - festival program garage
2002 playground / über das spielen in der kunst - festival program garage
2001 zwischen bild und ton - festival programgarage
2000 open source in the cultural context - festival program garage
1999-2005 international short film festival g-niale Stralsund
1997 foundation media festival and produktions platform garage


2024 Data Sonification - seminar @ Acoustic Ecologies and Sound Studies (Prof. Kerstin Ergenzinger), Bauhaus University Weimar
2024 Environmental Linguistics - presentation @ Contact Zones, TIF 2024, Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG), Punta Arenas (Chile)
2023/24 shadows and echos – seminar (MA) @ BHT, Berlin
2022/23 augenmusik - media translations – seminar (MA) @ BHT, Berlin
2022 Terra Ignota - moving and connecting @ Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Santiago (Chile)
2022 Terra Ignota - alternative epistemologies for knowledge production @ Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG), Punta Arenas (Chile)
2021/21 ent-täuschung - disappointment - how media is changing culture – seminar (MA) @ BHT, Berlin
2021 hörräume – lecture @ Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Alfter/Bonn
2020/21 disappearing - camouflage and invisibility in media – 2 seminars (bachelors + masters) with students of Event Technology and Management @ Beuth University of Applied Science, Berlin
2019/20 fog, smoke, mist, dust and clouds as media – 2 seminars (bachelors + masters) with students of Event Technology and Management @ Beuth University of Applied Science, Berlin
2019 Defining territories of the “east” in German music avantgardes – presentation @ Connecting Resonances I - seminar, American University of Beirut
2018/19 data communication – 2 seminars (bachelors + masters) with students of Event Technology and Management @ Beuth University of Applied Science, Berlin
2018 Improvisation as Curatorial Practice - presentation @ Space, Sound and the Improvisatory - conference, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens
2018 berlin sonic places – book presentation and talk with Peter Cusack and Sam Auinger @ Echobuecher, Berlin
2018 META. Tracing Unknown Knowns – discussion with Víctor Mazón Gardoqui, Daniela Silvestrin, Mario de Vega, Dicey Studios @ transmediale/face value, Berlin
2017/18 media communications – seminar with students of Event Technology and Management @ Beuth University of Applied Science, Berlin
2017 berlin sonic places – book presentation and talk with Peter Cusack, Max Eastley and Christina Kubisch @ daad galerie, Berlin
2017 what is inclusion? – talk @ documenta14 radio ("Listen to the Other - disEmbodied Voices" produced and hosted by AGF (Antye Greie-Ripatti))
2016 Tuned City – Sound in the Urban Context – lecture @ Goethe Institut, Hongkong
2016 hall 04 by TAAT – tutoring architecture students of Alanus Hochschule and theater students of Aberystwyth University, DAZ, Berlin
2016 off the grid festivals – Working in remote places – lecture @ Paved Arts, Saskatoon, Canada
2016 Sound in the City – seminar @ Intonal Festival, Malmö
2016 Translating the hyper visible & invisible: Artist led publications and the co-creation of shared dialogues – discussion @ transmediale/conversationpiece, Berlin
2016 listening as intervention – walk together with Davide Tidoni @ SoCCoS Micro residency, CTM-Festival, Berlin
2016 The walk/the step (is high) – conversation with Eric Mattson @ Research Networking Day - Mapping Sound Cultures, CTM-Festival, Berlin
2015 The Crisis of the Festival – discussion @ artmeetings Festival Kiev
2015 garages, labs, tuned cities, maps & archives – seminar, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee
2015 Urban Sounds: Acoustic Transformations in the 21st Century City – roundtable, Goethe Institut, Montreal
2015 Tuned City – Sound and Space in the Urban Context – presentation at OBORO, Montreal
2015 Interacting with the City – talk at La Marche (est haute), Eastern Bloc, Montreal
2014 Unmapping – Produciendo Métodos y Tácticas para Interactuar en/y el Espacio Público – seminar, Tsonami Festival de Arte Sonoro, Valparaíso, Chile
2014 Composición espacial – seminar, EUM Escuela Universitaria de Música, Montevideo, Urugay
2014 DIY. How to do something out of nothing, that is survival of culture – discussion @ artmeetings Festival Kiev
2014 Cultural Identities in Sound Art – round table @ mikromusik. Festival for experimental music and sound art, DAAD, Berlin + Deutschlandradio Kultur
2014 The Statement: Sound – Installation – conference, HBK Braunschweig
2014 listening to the city – workshop and round table discussion, City of Basel, Department for Environment and Energy, Basel
2014 sound and city - cultural mediation and presentation formats, Goethe Institut international directors meeting, Berlin
2014 sonic entanglements – lecture at Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities at Queen's University, Belfast
2014 sound exchange - perspectives – panel discussion at CTM Festival, Berlin
2013 artistic interventions in urban space – methods, strategies and formats of mediation – lecture at The Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Saarbrücken
2013 sounds in the urban environment – lecture and panel moderations at Mutek_Lab, Centro de Cultura Digital, Mexico-City
2013 shifts – lecture at Urban Nights, Science Gallery, Dublin
2013 listening through noise – seminar/workshop for sound art class of Ulrich Eller (HBK Brauschweig) in Brussels
2013 Music in the Cloud – talk with Arno Brandlhuber & Manos Tsangaris, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2013 listening through noise – lecture at Wiels - Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels
2012 as we speak – talk with Udo Noll and Patrick McGinley - European Cultural Capital Maribor 2012, Goethe-Institut
2012 Mediate Space - curating and producing in unusual environments – lecture at Wind as Context – Wilderness Art Conference, Hailuoto, Finland
2012 urbane hörräume - bonn hoeren — stadtklangforum 3/2012, Bonner Kunstverein
2011 Networking Tomorrow's Art for an Unknown Future - ICAS SUITE Panel Discussion, Berlin
2011 tuned city – lecture @ architecure department of BEZALEL Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem
2011 tuned city - at Sound Marathon, Institute for Spatial Experiments (Prof. Olafur Eliasson) University of the Arts (UdK) Berlin
2010 listening! - about tuned city - lecture at MYFBS (my favourite brussels sounds), Brüssel
2010 Progettazione urbana e spazi sonori - lecture an der Politecnico di Milano di Piacenza
2010 put your ear on the wall - lecture at club transmediale Symposium, Berlin
2009 noise - lecture UM festival, Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa
2009 Klang - Raum - Öffentlichkeit, lecture singuhr salon, Berlin
2008 sound and architecture - lecture dis-patch festival 2008, Belgrad
2008 tuning the city - lecture FullPull Festival, Malmö
2008 cultural conditions - masterclass Liviv (Ukraine)
2007 building as instrument - workshop Steirischer Herbst, Graz
2007 sound and architecture - lecture Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee
2007 made in taiwan - workshop MOCA Taipei (Taiwan)
2005 working in public space - lecture at Netmage Festival Bologna
2004 machines of making sense - Workshop AKI University Enschede
2003 coordinator of MA Space Strategy at (KHB)
2003-2004 ongoing supervising master students MA Space Strategy (KHB)
2002-2004 guest lecturer at the interdisciplinary postgraduate program MA Space Strategy at (KHB) - diverse seminars and workshops
- open media; practical-political-judicial problems decentralised public networks, seminar
- open content; collective authorship / artistic diversion strategies, seminar
- encyclopedia for a place + No Maps For These Territories, seminar on mapping
- back to the future, seminar / workshop
2002 communication design with other media, workshop conduction in Salvador de Bahia (Brasil) (Escola Superior de Artes e Design Berlim na Bahia ADBB)
2000 mymonbijou, seminar and workshop on the practice of cultural production in the frame of master year
1999-2000 assistent Prof. S.D.Sauerbier communication science (KHB)
- intermedia/multimedia part1 TON - MUSIK - SOUND, seminar, communication science
- intermedia/multimedia part 2: TEXTE und SPRACHE, seminar, communication science


2023 "sonotopia – the sonic explorers" (Ed. together with Carsten Seiffarth) Norient Books, 2023, ISBN 978-3-9525444-3-3
2021 "Audio Virus and Ear Worms" - radio feature for Festival Tsonami 2021 together with Raviv Ganchrow (NL) and Michiel Huijsman (NL)
2020 "Sobre el eco" - text contribution for the book Forma y sonido - Quince años de arte sonoro en el Uruguay edited by Lukas Kühne and Fabrice Lengronne, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
2020 "bonn hoeren - urban sound art 2010-2019" - text contribution for the monumental documentation edited by Carsten Seiffarth - edition neue zeitschrift für musik, Schott Music
2019 "Atmospheres, Soundtracks and Transmissions" - by Black Seas Ensemble - double vinyl LP, The Dim Coast, Montreal
2018 "Uneasy Listening" - Acts of Listening Valparaiso, Chile (2017) and Ancient Messene, Greece (2018) - catalogue
2018 Listening Politics - tuned city Ancient Messene - catalogue
2017 "10 years of making noise" book introduction for the 10 years anniversary of Tsonami festival, Chile
2017 "dronlab" interview with Christobal Cornejo, Revista AURAL Nº3 – Antropologias de la escucha, Valparaíso
2015 "Acoustic knowing - Formate der Vermittlung zwischen Stadt und Klang" - text contribution for The Statement! edited by Ulrich Eller / Christoph Metzger, Kehrer ISBN 978-3-86828-641-0
2015 "technique concrete" - text contribution for "Des disques et un couteau", Martin Tetreault monograph edited by Nicole Gingras, Montreal ISBN 978-2-9805019-6-8
2015 "drifting off" + "camouflage" text contributions for Tsonami documentation, Valparaíso
2014 "bonn hoeren" - program book, (co-author)
2014 "other places" - text contribution for the cd release "ma ta ta bi" by Akio Suzuki and Aki Onda, ORAL_records #59, Montreal
2013 noise - tuned city Brussels - catalogue
2013 "Sobre el Eco" - text contribution for the book "Colaboración" by alonso+craciun, Montevideo
2013 "Armoniile orasului. Tuned City", igloo, habitat & architectura #137, Bucarest
2013 "on listening", Blow-Up, 03/2013, Rome
2013 "Tuned City - Zwischen Klang- und Raumspekulation", Positionen, Texte zur aktuellen Musik, 94/2013
2013 "Stadt neu denken", (Arno Brandlhuber, Carsten Stabenow, Manos Tsangaris im Gespräch mit Gisela Nauck) Positionen, Texte zur aktuellen Musik, 94/2013
2012 Sounds of Europe - interview with Sonia Heyer
2012 "sound exchange - Experimental Music Cultures in Central and Eastern Europe", (Ed. together with Carsten Seiffarth + Golo Föllmer) Pfau, 2012, ISBN 978-3897274877
2011 Soundmap of Tallinn - Europäische Kulturhaupstadt Tallinn 2011 - (editor/co-author)
2011 Sonic Landmarks - tuned city Tallinn - Europäische Kulturhaupstadt Tallinn 2011 - catalogue
2009 Structures - club transmediale berlin 2009 - catalogue (co-author)
2008 "Il suono come arte" - Interview for Digimag No.39, Milano (english version here >>>)
2008 tuned city, kookbooks, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-937445-36-6 (editor/author)
2008 tuned city, Katalog
2007 "Situationen schaffen, die die Dinge lebendig halten" - Interview in "herbst.Theorie zur Praxis", steirischer herbst, Graz
2005 forget it! / die kunst des vergessens - catalogue garage
2005 basics - transmediale 05 Berlin - catalogue (co-author)
2004 black box + white cube / interfaces of culture - catalogue Festival garage
2003 no concept / unsicherheit und scheitern - catalogue Festival garage
2003 "open culture" - Beitrag in "Internationalisierung, Wirtschaft und Kultur im Wandel", FH Stralsund, ISBN: 978-3980796354 (author)
2002 playground / über das spielen in der kunst - catalogue Festival garage
2001 zwischen bild und ton - catalogue Festival garage
2000 du meinst der graue kasten auf meinem tisch beeinflusse mich? - theoretical diploma work on the topic of open source in the cultural context
2000 open source in the cultural context - catalogue Festival garage

check here for staalplaat soundsystem discography >>>


carsten stabenow
kastanienallee 73
10435 berlin
cs |at|